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Enhance the lives of Rwandan children and adults with physical and mental challenges.


Jessie's Place provides loving support for special children, adults, and families in Rwanda, Africa. Located in a remote part of the community of Gisenyi, Jessie's Place offers programs and services for those living with physical and mental challenges and provides assistance for parents of challenged children, 

News & Events
Nursery School.jpeg

Pre-school students enjoying Jessie's Place' new location.


Jessie's Place is a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit

foundation, supported entirely by private donations.  

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Cassandra Murillo, Executive Director
U.S.: (323) 395-6649 
Jessie's Place
13428 Maxella Ave., #106
Marina del Rey, CA  90292
Jessica McCall, Founding Director
Rwanda: +250 780 945305
Jessie's Place
P.O. Box 198
Gisenyi, Rwanda
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